"(After)Life" is a 30-minute short film marking the end of a rather unique college experience. As a member of my school’s paranormal club, atypical extracurricular activities quickly became the norm: spending our precious weekends in graveyards... abandoned asylums... massacre sites... anywhere around us that had any ounce of lore attached. And as a filmmaker, I documented the entire four year journey as part of our YouTube web-series.
This film tells our story as we revisit the scariest location we've ever been.
"(After)Life" screened as a Finalist at The Fear Faire Film Festival, which took place in January 2023 as "a celebration of independent creation and the development of artistry among individuals in the horror genre."
It was also chosen as an Official Selection in the Bestlov Film Festival; Semi-Finalist in Michigan's Wolf Tree Film Festival; as well as a Finalist in the ParaPod Film Festival (a two-day event that "brings the paranormal together... and throws some awards at the people who create in this genre").
Enjoy "(After)Life," embedded below:
This film tells our story as we revisit the scariest location we've ever been.
"(After)Life" screened as a Finalist at The Fear Faire Film Festival, which took place in January 2023 as "a celebration of independent creation and the development of artistry among individuals in the horror genre."
It was also chosen as an Official Selection in the Bestlov Film Festival; Semi-Finalist in Michigan's Wolf Tree Film Festival; as well as a Finalist in the ParaPod Film Festival (a two-day event that "brings the paranormal together... and throws some awards at the people who create in this genre").
Enjoy "(After)Life," embedded below: